FIL - Frick India Ltd.
FIL stands for Frick India Ltd.
Here you will find, what does FIL stand for in Manufacturing under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Frick India Ltd.? Frick India Ltd. can be abbreviated as FIL What does FIL stand for? FIL stands for Frick India Ltd.. What does Frick India Ltd. mean?The based company is located in engaged in mechanical or industrial engineering industry.
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Alternative definitions of FIL
- Fillmore, Utah USA
- Father In Law
- Feedback Inhibitor Of Lactation
- Film
- Filoloji
- Financial Institution Letters
- File listing
- Overlay (WordPerfect)
View 80 other definitions of FIL on the main acronym page
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- FLIC Falls Lake Insurance Companies
- FEWSN Famine Early Warning Systems Network
- FJLR Farnell Jaguar Land Rover
- FSS Full Steam Staffing
- FCBA First Community Bank n A
- FSM Fenway Sports Management
- FCS Famous Clothes Sa
- FTL Facet Technologies LLC
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- FREG Funkhouser Real Estate Group
- FO The Fairmont Orchid
- FAS Federal Antimonopoly Service
- FDL Fair Distribution Limited